We challenge narratives through education, media, and community engagement.

Who Are We?

afikra is a pioneering global media and educational platform that evolved from a grassroots movement into the leader of curiosity, intellect, and cultural understanding about the Arab world. Focused on the rich histories and vibrant cultures of the the region, we recognize the transformative power of curiosity.

afikra is a Fiscally Sponsored Organization of ArteEast.

2020 Annual Report 2021 Community Survey Report

Curious people make better citizens and curious communities make better societies.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build a global community of curious minds, eager to understand and reframe the Arab world’s past, present, and future.

Our Vision

In envisioning the future, afikra | عفكرة aims to be the catalyst for a global renaissance, where the Arab region's rich histories, cultures, and contributions are globally recognized, represented, and celebrated. By exploring the Arab world's diverse narratives through curiosity-driven conversations, we aspire to create a community of informed, curious individuals committed to dialogue, understanding, and mutual respect.

How We Do It

Driven by curiosity, inclusivity, and community, we encourage proactive questioning and critical thinking, inviting our members to explore the Arab world's histories and cultures deeply. Through partnerships with leading institutions and the support of our volunteer network, we amplify our impact globally.

Why We Do It

To counteract one-dimensional narratives and foster a nuanced understanding and appreciation of the Arab world, contributing to a global renaissance of cultural and historical awareness.

Our Core Values

Contribution Over Consumption
Cultivating growth through active participation and sharing.

Interests Over Identity
Valuing members for their curiosity and commitment to building a better future for the Arab world.

Curiosity Over Promotionalism
Encouraging questions and over promoting personal agendas.

Community Over Exclusivity
Welcoming anyone to join our community.

Kindness Above All
Emphasizing generosity in the sharing of knowledge.

New Connections

Growing up in the Arab world, I’ve always called this region home. However, given the narrow and stereotypical popular narratives about what this place was, I did not know how I fit in. Since 2014, afikra has become a global movement to reshape that narrative and to showcase how broad, deep, and dynamic the histories and cultures of the Arab world are. And most importantly, afikra has connected me to global diverse community of friends invested in its past and future.

Mikey Muhanna
afikra Founder

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This is a question we get a lot. It is pronounced a’fikra (عفكرة or 3afikra) which means “on second thought” or "come to think of it" in colloquial Levantine Arabic. The name is appropriate given that our mission is to cultivate curiosity. In other words, afikra is all about collectively taking a moment to spend a second to explore topics that we are curious about.

  • afikra started in 2014 when afikra Founder, Mikey Muhanna, was living in New York City. The idea came to him at a small rooftop event on a September evening in Brooklyn, when he decided to establish a community for him and his friends to explore Arab histories and cultures.

    The desire to form this community was born out of Mikey's internal frustration that he engaged with the Arab world in two ways: either through cultural celebrations with family and friends (weddings, reunions, holidays, etc.) or through engaging in activism (attending rallies, watching documentaries, protesting, etc.). He and his friends felt a need to create another way to engage with the region.

    After the first event, more people began to attend, first from all over New York, and then they started to fly in from other parts of the world. It became clear that this need wasn't unique to a small group of friends. From there, afikra began to grow and launch chapters all over the world. Farah Assir, Leen Sadder, and Rami Abou-Khalil were among the original team members whose contributions helped shape our mission, brand, and NYC chapter. Other early contributors include Malek Rasamny, Kareem Salman, Dina Mahmoud, Tala Mansi, Dalia Hamati, Olivia Shabb, Yazan Kopty, Laila Mokhiber, & Fady Atallah.

  • Absolutely Not! This is a community of ANYONE who feels like they have an authentic interest in the Arab world and want to grow their connection to the region. We focus on your interests, not your identity.

In the Press