Mokhtar Alkhanshali Recommends Books About Coffee
If you’re anything like the afikra team, you’re fuelled by coffee. That’s why we were so excited to welcome coffee innovator, historian and founder of Port of Mokha, Mokhtar Alkhanshali, on Matbakh who tells us about the fascinating twists and turns in the history of our favorite beverage. If you’re a coffee-lover, foodie, or history-nerd, give the whole episode a listen. And if you want to dive deeper into coffee’s story and global cultural and socio-economic impact, Mokhtar kindly shared a diverse list of books – both fiction and non-fiction, and in English and Arabic – to check out.
The Merchant House of Mocha by Nancy Umm
A detailed historical account of the Yemeni coffee trade, focusing on the port city of Mocha and its role in global commerce.
Available via University of Washington Press
Coffee: A Global History by Jonathan Morris
A comprehensive overview of coffee’s journey from its origins in Ethiopia to its current status as a global commodity. Morris “discusses the diverse cast of caffeinated characters who drank coffee, why and where they did so, as well as how it was prepared and what it tasted like.”
Available via University of Chicago Press
The Monk of Mokha by Dave Eggers
The true story of Mokhtar, who dreams of reviving the ancient art of Yemeni coffee, facing numerous challenges along the way. Eggers captures Mokhtar’s journey from San Francisco to Yemen in the midst of the country’s civil war.
Available via Penguin Books
Graves of Tarim by Engseng Ho
An exploration of the social and cultural history of the Hadrami people of Yemen, examining their diaspora and influence through trade, including coffee. With a particular focus on the Indian Ocean, Ho explores the “transcultural exchanges, in kinship and writing, that enabled Hadrami Yemenis to become locals in three regions (Arabia, India and Southeast Asia).
Available via University of California Press.
Memories for Forgetfulness by Mahmoud Darwish
A powerful literary work by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, reflecting on memory, exile, and identity amidst the backdrop of the Lebanese Civil War. Coffee is used as a narrative tool in this work. English translation by Ibrahim Muhawi.
Available via University of California Press
Coffeeland by Augustine Sedgwick
A historical and sociological study of coffee’s impact on global development, focusing on its cultivation in El Salvador and its broader economic and cultural implications. Sedgwick investigates the 400-year history of coffee and how it grew to become one of the world’s most valuable commodities.
Available via Penguin Books
All About Coffee by William H. Ukers
A comprehensive encyclopedia on coffee, covering its history, cultivation, processing, and cultural significance around the world. One of the oldest reference books on coffee and the coffee industry.
Available for free via Project Gutenburg
The Scent of a Dream: Travels in the World of Coffee by Sebastião Salgado
A photographic book capturing the lives and environments of coffee workers around the globe through stunning black-and-white images. Salgado, himself a native of one of Brazil’s major coffee-growing regions, takes the reader from his home-country to China, Colombia, Guatemala, Ethiopia and beyond.
Available via Amazon
Medieval Agriculture and Islamic Science: The Almanac of a Yemeni Sultan by Daniel Martin Varisco
This book examines the agricultural practices and scientific advancements in medieval Yemen, as documented in a detailed almanac created by a Yemeni sultan.
Available via Amazon
Travels Through Arabia and Other Countries in the East by Carsten Niebuhr
This book documents Carsten Niebuhr’s extensive travels through the Arabian Peninsula and other parts of the Middle East in the 18th century, offering detailed observations on the geography, cultures, and societies he encountered.
Available via
Kitab al-Filaha: Book of Agriculture by Ibn Al-Awwam
A comprehensive agricultural treatise in Arabic, gathering all the knowledge of the time concerning agriculture, horticulture, and animal husbandry into a vast compendium.
Available via Amazon
A Winter in Arabia: A Journey Through Yemen by Freya Stark
A travel narrative recounting Stark’s 1937-1938 expedition in Yemen, detailing her observations and experiences as she explored the region. Stark’s writing provides insights into the culture, social conduct, and landscapes of Yemen during her journey. Bloomsbury Publishing calls this “one of the most important pieces of literature on the region.”
Available via Bloomsbury Publishing
ديوان القهوة، ماجد بن عدنان الأهدل
مجموعة من القصائد حول القهوة، يعود تاريخها إلى القرن التاسع الهجري، تشمل مقدمة جليلة في تاريخ القهوة
Available via Diwan Egypt
عمدة الصفوة في حل القهوة عبد القادر الجزيري
كتاب يتناول تاريخ القهوة وثقافتها والنقاشات الشرعية حول استهلاكها في العالم الإسلامي في القرن السادس عشر
Available via Neelwafurat
مقدمة ابن خلدون
عمل تأسيسي في مجالات التأريخ، علم الاجتماع، الاقتصاد، والديموغرافيا، يقدم نظرة شاملة حول تطور المجتمعات الإنسانية
Free download via Foulabook
مجموع بلدان اليمن وقبائلها
محمد أحمد الحجري
كتاب يصف جغرافيا اليمن وتاريخ قبائلها، ويقدم معلومات مفصلة عن المناطق والقبائل اليمنية المختلفة
Free download via Kotobati
سفرة القهوة عبد الكريم الشطي
كتاب يستكشف تاريخ القهوة وثقافتها في العالم العربي، ويتناول دورها الاجتماعي والاقتصادي في المجتمعات العربية المختلفة
Available via Abjjad
Additional resources:
Image via Mokhtar Alkhanshali
Mokhtar’s Personal Blog
If you’re curious about some of the issues and topics raised by the books above, you can see what Mokhtar has to say about them on his personal blog.
The Creative Act by Rick Rubin
A guide to creativity and inspiration from renowned music producer Rick Rubin, offering insights and advice on the creative process. Available via Penguin Random House