Explore Arab Histories: Teacher Resources Workshop | Sept 21

Date 1: September 21 • Date 2: October 5
Time: 10:00 – 11:30am (EST)
Location: Online on Zoom

📣📣 Are you an educator passionate about Arab histories and cultures?

Join a virtual professional development workshop to explore afikra resources and experience a sample lesson plan on “Palestinain Embroidery”. Our Teacher Resources are designed for high school teachers interested in supplementing their program with material on Arab histories and cultures.

What to Expect:

  • Discover afikra Academy: Learn how our programs, including Global Connect and Teacher Resources, engage students and educators who share a passion for exploring and reframing narratives about the Arab world.

  • Meet Global Peers: Explore afikra resources and the Library through interactive activities on ways to incorporate them in the classroom.

  • Interactive Learning: Experience a sample lesson plan on “Palestinain Embordiery”, showcasing the engaging and thought-provoking content that makes afikra Academy unique.

Who Should Attend:

High School or Middle School teachers with a strong interest in the Arab world’s past, present, and future. This is your chance to discover afikra’s online resources content and learn ways to incorporate it into your classes.

Why Attend:

While this is a valuable professional development workshop, it’s also an invitation to join a global community of teachers and educators who want to reframe the narratives of the region. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to kickstart your journey with afikra Academy!


Tuesday, September 24th at Joe's Pub | #afikra10yearRetreat


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