Feature: Why Was the Long-Term Impact of the Battle of Talas More Significant Than the Short-Term Effects?

Presenter: Faisal Juma

Bahrain on September 28, 2019

The Battle of Talas, fought in 751 AD between the Abbasid Caliphate and the Tang Dynasty, is often overlooked. While its short-term outcome was minor, its long-term impact has been profound and world-changing.

About Afikra Community Presentations

Delivered and prepared by afikra Community members, the presentation’s goal is to showcase the presenter’s curiosity and research and share some knowledge on a ‎topic related to the Arab world’s histories and cultures. The presentation is the ‎culmination of the afikra coaching process to help identify a topic, find research, and develop the ‎presentation. afikra presentations come in two forms, a long question-driven afikra Feature, and a short afikra FWD with the purpose of sharing something interesting.


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