FWD: "On Unicorns, Mafias, and the Future of Startup Capital in Mena"

In this afikra FWD, Madison forwards the article "Breaking the Mold: Can the MENA Region Be a Leader in Inclusive Capital?" published by Middle East Institute. The article starts out by setting the stage of what has been happening in the Middle East region over the last decade when it comes to unicorns, a privately-held company that is valued at $1 billion or more.

Sources and Further References

Note: All community presentations are prepared & presented by non-experts on the subject. They are sharing information in the hopes of spurring interest in that subject.

Bas Sou'al

afikra is all about asking questions and exploring something new. This series takes some of the questions about the histories and cultures of the Arab world asked and explored in one of our community presentations, and broadens it into a podcast episode hosted by Mysa Kafil-Hussain and Yasmin Khawaja with community members from our global chapters.


FWD: “Britain’s First Yemenis” By Mohammed Alsaedi - Aljazeera World


FWD: “The Meursault Investigation” - Kamel Daoud