Spotlight: What is the Story of Chikhat?
Presenter: Hiba Qassououi
Delivered: Marrakech on May 14, 2023
Hiba Qassououi takes a deep dive into the story of Chikhat. The Chikha is passionate about an ancestral art and practices it. She has a social role: to give happiness to our important moments in life.
Sources & Future References
«Chikhates», ces préservatrices d'un riche patrimoine marocain
Hassan Najmi : "Attaquer les chikhates revient à attaquer la conscience marocaine" - Maroc Hebdo
Nacim Haddad: «Quel que soit l’environnement, une chikha est mal perçue» – Aujourd'hui le Maroc
شيخات المغرب" .. من عهد القيّاد إلى تحدي "داعش" وتأييد الملك"
Note: All community presentations are prepared & presented by non-experts on the subject. They are sharing information in the hopes of spurring interest in that subject.
About Afikra Community Presentations
Delivered and prepared by afikra Community members, the presentation’s goal is to showcase the presenter’s curiosity and research and share some knowledge on a topic related to the Arab world’s histories and cultures. The presentation is the culmination of the afikra coaching process to help identify a topic, find research, and develop the presentation. afikra presentations come in two forms, a long question-driven afikra Feature, and a short afikra FWD with the purpose of sharing something interesting.