Feature: What Made the Relationship Between Kahlil Gibran and May Ziadeh So Unique?
Presenter: Dahlia Dandashi
Delivered: NYC on April 21, 2024
In this afikra feature, Dahlia Dandashi delves into the unique relationship between Kahlil Gibran and May Ziadeh, two towering figures of the Arab literary renaissance. The presentation also touches on how their relationship reflected broader themes of diaspora, feminism, and the complexities of love and friendship in the context of early 20th-century Arab society.
Sources & Future References
May Ziade: The Life of an Arab Feminist Writer - Al Jazeera World
An Unusual Tale of Love: May Ziyadah and Kahlil Gibran – The Oxford Middle East Review
Arab American Almanac, 6th Edition, Condensed Version by Joseph Haiek - Issuu
Goodbye, Lebanon - Creative Writing - Guides at University of Calgary in Qatar
"May Ziadeh" (al-Kulliyah, Winter 1972) by UMD College of Behavioral & Social Sciences - Issuu
3 Poems by May Ziadeh translated by Rose DeMaris - The Los Angeles Review The Los Angeles Review
May Ziade: The Life of an Arab Feminist Writer | Al Jazeera World - YouTube
The Unseen Love of Kahlil Gibran and May Ziadah - Avind Chin - Medium
Note: All community presentations are prepared & presented by non-experts on the subject. They are sharing information in the hopes of spurring interest in that subject.
About Afikra Community Presentations
Delivered and prepared by afikra community members, the presentation's goal is to showcase the presenter’s curiosity and research, and share some knowledge on a topic related to the Arab world’s histories and cultures. The presentation is the culmination of the afikra coaching process to help identify a topic, research it, and develop the presentation.
afikra presentations come in three forms: a long question-driven afikra Feature explaining why or how something happened or is happening, a medium-sized afikra Spotlight exploring who someone or what something is, and a short afikra FWD which purpose is to share something interesting.