Feature: Why Does Mada'in Saleh Exist?

Presenter: Micha Tobia

Beirut on October 15, 2017

Mada’in Saleh is an archeological treasure hidden in the middle of the Saudi desert. With more than 130 monumental rock-carved tombs, it was, after Petra, the second most important city of the Nabataean Kingdom. But how did this remote location come to be such an important center for that civilization?

About Afikra Community Presentations

Delivered and prepared by afikra Community members, the presentation’s goal is to showcase the presenter’s curiosity and research, and share some knowledge on a ‎topic related to the Arab world’s histories and cultures. The presentation is the ‎culmination of the afikra coaching process to help identify a topic, find research, and develop the ‎presentation. afikra presentations come in two forms, a long question-driven afikra Feature, and a short afikra FWD with the purpose of sharing something interesting.


Feature: What is Gnawa Music?


Feature: What is the History of Aramco?