Feature: Why is There Confusion About Whether the Queen of Shiba was Ethiopian or Yemeni?
Presenter: Mohammed Swileh
Delivered: London on April 22, 2018
Who was the queen of Sheba and why was she important? In this afikra feature, we hear both narratives: the Ethiopian one and the Yemeni one and reach a conclusion on where she came from.
Sources & Future References
Who Is the Queen of Sheba in the Bible? - Biblical Archaeology Society
Archaeologists strike gold in quest to find Queen of Sheba's wealth | The Guardian
The Queen of Sheba: Legend, Literature and Lore - Deborah M. Coulter-Harris
Contact Info
E-mail: Mohammedjameel2025@gmail.com
Note: All community presentations are prepared & presented by non-experts on the subject. They are sharing information in the hopes of spurring interest in that subject.
About Afikra Community Presentations
Delivered and prepared by afikra Community members, the presentation’s goal is to showcase the presenter’s curiosity and research and share some knowledge on a topic related to the Arab world’s histories and cultures. The presentation is the culmination of the afikra coaching process to help identify a topic, find research, and develop the presentation. afikra presentations come in two forms, a long question-driven afikra Feature, and a short afikra FWD with the purpose of sharing something interesting.