Modern History of the Middle East | Eugene Rogan

In this Mujalasa interview, we talked to Eugene Rogan his research on modern middle eastern history. Rogan is the author of The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East, 1914-1920 (2015) and The Arabs: A History (2009, 2018) which has been translated to 18 languages.

في هذه المقابلة، تحدثنا مع يوجين روغان عن أبحاثه حول تاريخ الشرق الأوسط الحديث. روغان مؤلف "سقوط العثمانيين: الحرب الكبرى في الشرق الأوسط" و"العرب: تاريخ" الذي قد ترجم الى 18 لغة


Mujalasa is a platform for exchanging ideas, debating academia and building intellectual curiosity for the purpose of enlightenment. It’s an Arabic podcast series, hosted by Charles Al Hayek from Heritage & Roots, and exploring the histories of the region.


Tatreez [IG Storytime]


H.E. Manal Ataya | Sharjah Museums Authority Director-General