Evolving Calligraphy: Contemporary Arabic & Persian Graphic Design | Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès

We wrap up season two of the Tasmeem Doha podcast with Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès – founder of the Khatt Foundation and Khatt Books – to dive into the world of Arabic and Persian typography and graphic design. Building on the panel "Inner Structures — Outer Rhythms: Politics of Contemporary Design" that Huda moderated at the Tasmeem Doha conference this year, we talk about the cross-pollination between Arabic and Persian graphic design and the evolution of calligraphy.

Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès is a Lebanese typographer, writer, researcher, graphic designer, lecturer, and design consultant from Beirut. She is the is the founder and director of the Khatt Foundation and Khatt Books.

Connect with Huda

Khatt Foundation

Khatt Books

Tasmeem Doha Podcast

Each edition of the Tasmeem Doha biennial international conference is accompanied with a new season of this podcast series powered by afikra, showcasing the best people, works and efforts around the chosen theme of the event. For 2024, the theme is “Under Construction”, which is both a metaphor for creative research and a celebration and investigation of transformation.


Sharia Law, the State & Modernity’s Moral Predicament | Wael Hallaq


The Making of Aida Returns | Carol Mansour